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Cover for Stinesville Church of the Nazarene - Stinesville Nazarene
Stinesville Church of the Nazarene - Stinesville Nazarene

Stinesville Church of the Nazarene - Stinesville Nazarene

7635 W Main St
Stinesville, IN 47464
(812) 876-2884

Stinesville Nazarene Church

Don't forget to pick up an Angel Tree slip in the back of the sanctuary! There are several local children still hoping for things like: a soccer ball, fuzzy socks, a poster of their sports hero, or hair accessories! Choose from a range of affordable wish list items and make a child's day!

All gifts are due back to church on or before December 15th.
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Dont forget to pick up an Angel Tree slip in the back of the sanctuary!  There are several local children still hoping for things like: a soccer ball, fuzzy socks, a poster of their sports hero, or hair accessories!  Choose from a range of affordable wish list items and make a childs day! 

All gifts are due back to church on or before December 15th.

Plaid, checkered, flannel, cozy, WEAR IT ALL! Enjoy a hot chocolate bar with all the tasty toppings on Sunday morning, December 15th! ... See MoreSee Less

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