Recovery is for EVERYONE ages 18 and up!

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.”

Romans 3:23-24 NIV

Celebrate Recovery provides a supportive environment for anyone seeking to overcome hurts, hang-ups, and habits. This includes individuals struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, abuse victims, and those dealing with issues like eating disorders, codependency, and depression. Only 1 in 3 people who attend Celebrate Recovery are there for drug and alcohol addiction!

The program also supports spouses coping with their partner’s addiction. Abuse victims can find solace in gender-specific groups, whether they have experienced physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. Additionally, those suffering from codependency or general life issues such as stress, anger, or various addictions (food, drugs, alcohol, love, relationships, pornography, and gambling) may find the support they need at Celebrate Recovery meetings.

Celebrate Recovery is not a counseling or therapy service but a gathering of like-minded individuals.

Celebrate Recovery may be the right place for you if you are struggling with:

  • Abuse (mental, physical, or emotional)
  • Addiction (gambling, love, food, drugs, alcohol, sex, or any addiction)
  • Relationship issues
  • Fear and anxiety
  • An eating disorder
  • Anger issues
  • Codependency
  • Divorce
  • Perfectionism

And many more hurts, habits, or hang-ups……….

The Benefits of Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is an excellent place to meet like-minded individuals and gain a sense of community, which is incredibly helpful during recovery. One of the greatest benefits of attending Celebrate Recovery (CR) is the connection you will make with God.

Based on God’s Word

Celebrate Recovery is rooted in the teachings of Jesus, particularly the Sermon on the Mount, where He outlined the Beatitudes. These principles, though seemingly contradictory, are God’s roadmap to recovery, wholeness, growth, and spiritual maturity.


Celebrate Recovery focuses on the future, encouraging participants to make wise choices and depend on Christ’s power for change, rather than dwelling on past mistakes or painful memories.

Emphasizes Personal Responsibility

CR helps individuals take responsibility for their choices, avoiding the blame game. By focusing on their own actions and responses, participants can harness the healing power of Christ and find true happiness.

Spiritual Commitment to Jesus Christ

The third step of CR involves a total surrender to Christ. This step is essential for lasting recovery. Celebrate Recovery is evangelistic, often leading many to accept Christ. Its impact on church attendance and spiritual growth can be significant.

Built on Real Community Principles

CR fosters fellowship and community, emphasizing small group interactions and mutual support. Spiritual growth is achieved through shared experiences, accountability, and caring relationships.

Addresses All Types of Hurts, Habits, and Hang-Ups

Unlike programs that focus on a single issue, Celebrate Recovery covers a wide range of problems, from addictions to relational issues. Specialized groups address various needs, such as eating disorders, PTSD, and more.

Moves Members into Ministry

CR encourages those who have found recovery in Christ to help others, embodying Christlike servanthood. The program’s church-based nature creates a continuous flow of people moving into ministry.


Celebrate Recovery is not a place for dating, picking up men or women, or pursuing romantic relationships within the group setting. It’s also not suitable for private investigators or anyone looking to extract information for personal gain.

Celebrate Recovery is not the right place for you if you are seeking a quick fix, someone to solve all your problems, or enjoy gossiping about others. If you wish to attend a meeting, please follow the rules and align your intentions with the program’s expectations.

Anonymity and confidentiality are crucial components of Celebrate Recovery.